Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I really need to start writing in this thing more often. I think one of my problems lately is the fact that I don't remember things. I need to "write shit down", as the sticker says. So I'm doing that now.

It was a very interesting weekend. With the surplus of free time I have now, I'm making a concerted effort to go out more. That means spending more money at bars, but if I stop spending money on pot, that will even out.

Friday night I met Jason and Katie at the Dead Mule, and we drank and played this awesome Hebrew card game, kinda like rummy and spades, and I won, which is unusual. I'm pretty bad at card games I am just learning. After we left there I had an important mission: to deliver a garbage pail kid to Angela, who was over at Linda's. The atmosphere was not very lively, and it didn't seem like anyone had had a good night, be Angela seemed to like the card, and gave me a hug and whatnot. So that was cool.

Saturday night, Jason was playing with a really really awful cover band in a really really awful club, East End. I was there with Katie and we were drinking heavily and attempting to provide moral support for Jason, who wasn't having a good time, but would have had a much worse time if we weren't there. Something cool happened.. I did something out of character. Not long after we got there, I spotted this cute girl, and I thought I caught her looking at me a few times. So, instead of not saying anything like I normally do (don't), I went over and talked to her and we hit it off. She was there to support a friend in the band, too. I bought her a drink and we talked for a while. I was pretty drunk and it was loud so there was some miscommunication. I found out when she left that she was moving in two days, and I was bummed. I was going to ask for her number, but I got the (wrong) impression that there would be no point in that since she was leaving. When I got home, I did another thing out of character for me, I made a drunken, wistful craigslist post in the missed connections section, lamenting what had happened. Then something truly unexpected happened... I got an email from her. Apparently her roommate saw the ad and showed her. Long story short (more like really long story long) we've been talking, and she's going to be in Southern Pines this summer, and Creamers have been trying to play there. I think there's a better than average chance that I will see her again. It's pretty cool.

Ok, that's it. I intend to start writing a little bit every day. Honest, I do.


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